Artists News Ezgi Mola took the most important decision of her life and made her mark on the summit!

Ezgi Mola took the most important decision of her life and made her mark on the summit!

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For Ezgi Mola, one of the most important career opportunities in her life was the series Masumlar Apartmanı. The actress, who did not appear in a TV series for 8 years, returned with a role that surprised her fans.

The actress, who played the character of Safiye in the psychological thriller and drama series named Masumlar Apartmanı, gave a magnificent performance. After her comedy roles, Ezgi Mola was so successful with her drama performance that she enchanted her fans. The results of this career boom of the actress were also reflected in the research.

The Turkish TV series research conducted online by NG Research on the website was conducted with 1831 people over the age of 15, between 23-28 December. According to the results of this research, Ezgi Mola ranks first as the most admired actress.

Safiye of Masumlar Apartmanı brought the actress great popularity. Evaluating this very well, Ezgi Mola outperformed her closest rival, Beren Saat, as a result of the research.

While Ezgi Mola received 13 percent of the vote, Beren Saat was able to get 7 percent of the votes in the most popular actress research. Beren Saat, who has not been seen on television for a long time, took the lead role with the digital series Atiye on the Netfilix platform.

Cansu Dere was the third most liked female actress by the participants with a rate of 6 percent. Cansu Dere, one of the prominent names of the last period, attracts great attention with her Asian character in the TV series Sadakatsiz. Broadcasting of the series abroad also made the actress more known and caused her to receive awards in a row in the last period.