Artists News Bad news came from Pelin Akıl, the actress lying in the snow with a swimsuit!..

Bad news came from Pelin Akıl, the actress lying in the snow with a swimsuit!..


Famous actress Pelin Akil followed the black jump trend in a swimsuit on social media, the beautiful actress wore a swimsuit and left herself on the snow in the garden of her house.

Sharing these moments on her Instagram account, where she has 3 million followers, the actress said in the video she took, “This is what I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Challenge? Or Pneumonia?” had lost her grade.

Fans who commented on the actress’s post warned the famous actress, ‘You will be sick!’ And it was expected Pelin Akil fell ill.

Pelin Akil, who shared her photo on her Instagram account while receiving serum support, won pneumonia in the ‘Challange or Pneumonia competition’. Even though I don’t have pneumonia, it still dropped the ‘Faranjit’ grade.

During the snowfall that affected the whole country, the actress, who first left herself on the white snow cover and then danced, in a swimsuit, ignoring the cold weather, announced that she had pharyngitis.

Pelin Akil’s share was viewed by thousands of followers in a short time, and many famous names, including her fellow actresses, commented on the actress’s share as “You are crazy”.

Berfu Yenenler, wife of actress Eser Yenenler, responded to Akil’s post by shooting the video below. Yenenler, to the video he took; They said ‘I came to the challenge @pelinakil let’s choose our side’ and dropped the note.