Artists News Saying yes to a cinema project, Bensu Soral made striking statements about herself!..

Saying yes to a cinema project, Bensu Soral made striking statements about herself!..

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Famous actress Bensu Soral came to the screen last summer with the TV series Cam Tavanlar, in which she shared the lead role with Kubilay Aka. The screen life of the series, which draws attention with its story about women’s rights, did not last long.

After the 8-episode adventure of Cam Tavanlar, the actress, who has not been on the screen for a while, chose a new project for a movie.

Bensu Soral, who accepted the offer from the movie named Özel Ders, went before the lens for the Magnet Quarterly magazine.

The beautiful actress, who poses assertively for the magazine, also made striking statements. Here are the headlines and very special photos from Bensu Soral’s statements.

“My favorite feature about myself is that I can always look at life from a positive perspective. This feature gives me great comfort.”

“I don’t see it possible for a person who grew up with a lack of love to know this feeling or even feel it towards someone else.”

“The biggest thing in my self-love is my admiration for the strong bond between my soul and my body. I see my soul and body as two closest friends. If one gets hurt, the other always heals her.”
