Series News Haluk Bilginer and Yasemin Allen come together in the Hollywood production The Turkish Detective

Haluk Bilginer and Yasemin Allen come together in the Hollywood production The Turkish Detective


Haluk Bilginer, one of the master actors of Turkish cinema and winner of the Emmy Award, will soon take a role in a Hollywood production. Yasemin Allen will accompany Haluk Bilginer in the TV series Turkish Detective.

Paramount, one of the oldest and largest production companies of Hollywood, has officially announced the Turkish Detective series, in which Haluk Bilginer and Yasemin Allen will star. The shooting of the series, which will take place in Istanbul, will begin this month.

The first announcement of the Turkish Detective series was actually made months ago. It was even claimed that Alp Navruz, who was playing in Ada Masalı (Island Tale) at that time, made an offer for the series. However, there was no new news on the subject in the following days, and no official statement was made.

The Turkish Detective series is finally out after months. But this time with Haluk Bilginer and Yasemin Allen. The series, which will be adapted from the book series “The Cetin Ikmen Crime Novels (Inspector Ikmen)” by Barbara Nadel, will tell the adventures of detective Çetin İkmen and his partner Mehmet Süleyman.

The CWA Silver Dagger award-winning series, which takes place in today’s Istanbul and has reached 24 novels, focuses on the solution of crimes committed in the city by Çetin İkmen and his partner Mehmet Süleyman. American actor Ethan Kai will play the character of Çetin İkmen’s partner Mehmet Süleyman in the series. Yasemin Allen will play Detective Ayşe Farsakoğlu, who helps them solve crimes.

While the script of the series was written by Ben Schiffer, who has signed many successful productions before, its directorship will be undertaken by Niels Arden Oplev, who sits in the director’s chair of the movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

It is stated that one of the guest directors of the series, which will meet with the audience in 2023, will be David Fincher, who has signed very successful films such as Fight Club, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Social Network, Panic Room. Haluk Bilginer, who has a very good English and has been involved in many US and British productions, and Yasemin Allen, whose mother tongue is English, are eagerly awaited.