Artists News The situation of Akın Akınözü, who returned with the Tuzak series, started to resemble the same Can Yaman!

The situation of Akın Akınözü, who returned with the Tuzak series, started to resemble the same Can Yaman!


Akın Akınözü took the lead role in the series Kaderimin Oyunu (Game of My Destiny) last season, after his successful debut in the TV series Hercai. In the new season, you will watch the actor with the character of Umut in the Tuzak (Trap) series, which will be screened on TV8 as of Wednesday, October 19th.

The fact that Akın Akınözü fans abroad are waiting for the series more excitedly than Turkey has started to come to the fore once again on social media. Akın Akınözü, whose popularity is increasing rapidly especially in Spanish-speaking countries, continues on his way with a fate similar to that of Can Yaman in some ways.

Akın Akınözü is someone who is criticized from time to time in the press and social media due to his different personality.

The actor, who was almost lynched on social media, especially with the fight in the Hercai series, was also the subject of criticism from time to time with his harsh temperament and words. The actor, who is mostly negatively criticized by Turkish fans in such situations, is luckier in terms of foreign fans.

Akın Akınözü, just like Can Yaman, has become a name that is widely criticized in Turkey but widely supported abroad. After all, didn’t Can Yaman go to Italy to reverse this situation and to express himself better to wider audiences abroad?

Akın Akınözü will now be in the middle of a revenge story in his new series called Tuzak. The actor, whose new series is eagerly awaited, receives great support from his fans abroad. Akın Akınözü, who appeals to a wide audience in both European and Latin American countries, overlaps with Can Yaman at this point.

Like Can Yaman, Akın Akınözü manages to be on the agenda in social media in many countries outside of Turkey.

It is expected that Akın Akınözü’s popularity will increase much faster outside of Turkey and will bring a greater flood of love to the actor, with the success of the Tuzak series, the first episode of which will be broadcast on Wednesday, October 19th, the audience’s love of the story and the start of overseas sales.