Artists News BerkOktay divorces his wife!

BerkOktay divorces his wife!


Famous actor BerkOktay spoke about his alleged violence against his wife MerveŞarapçıoğlu.

BerkOktay, for claims to beat his wife, “I did not apply violence. The wrapped photos in the social media are about 6-7 years ago, “he said.

MerveŞarapçıoğlu, “My husband is unfaithful, he has also applied violence to me. Because he did not trust me, his family managed his money. ” she said…

MerveŞarapçıoğlu, demanded a total of 500 thousand TL compensation.

Berk Oktay, said about the process:

“I did not commit violence. The wrapped photos on the social media are about 6-7 years ago, the turn that Merve made for aesthetics. There is a contentious divorce process in the middle. Everyone in the process of divorce is on a number of charges. The case is now in lawyers and in judgment. ”

Berk Oktay-Merve Şarapçıoğlu couple married in 2016 after a six-year flirtation period.