Series News DemetÖzdemir and CanYaman does love live?

DemetÖzdemir and CanYaman does love live?


A new series ‘Early Birds’ is starting on the summer screen …

Headed by two young and famous actress directors …

DemetÖzdemir had a great success with his No. 309 series.

CanYaman was last on the minds of the ‘Full Moon’ series …

CanYaman and DemetÖzdemir’s excitement to meet at the table created excitement.

However, it is clear from the images that this excitement is not just for the fans of the actors.

Shows that the pair of photos shared by the ‘Early Bird’s set is a very good fit.

In addition, a video of the couple appeared on the sett ..

They were very sincere … They hugged each other.

These images are interpreted as ‘love and smell of love in the air?’

The sincerity of the couple does not seem normal.

The couple, who were constantly wrapped around their videotapes and read their excitement in their faces, made their fans happy.


But we do not have any other knowledge to make the impression that there is love between them.

But we can say we got a love smell.

Both early star player and team are very excited.

If a love comes out of this line, nobody is surprised.