Artists News BerkOktay divorces his wife

BerkOktay divorces his wife


The famous player BerkOktay’s happy nest is scattering.

BerkOktay-MerveŞarapçıoğlu couple got a divorce decision.

MerveŞarapçıoğlu, the husband of the divorce opened the case of BerkOktay’s heavy criminal found.

Şarapçıoğlu explained why their marriage did not work in a divorce petition.

She claimed that the marriage union could not be established because BerkOktay did not spend time with his wife behind his profession.

MerveŞarapçıoğlu listed other problems they had experienced as follows: “The directing of Berk’s earning family is a sign of my insecurity. There is a problem of anger control, violence. ”

BerkOktay is currently in the role of ‘Warriors’.