Series News Exaggerated situation on drama series of [Woman]

Exaggerated situation on drama series of [Woman]

Series Turkish

[Woman]’s drama series latest news …

Gone are 21 chapters in Turkey acclaim followed in the series …

Every week, the story gets even more interesting.

What happened to OzgeOzinçincci’s Bahar character is upsetting the audience.

Her husband Sarp, who thinks he’s dead …

She learned that her sister Shirin had love with her husband.

She is fighting for life together with 2 children.

Bahar does not want the people around him to lie to him on this tough road.

When the lie is told that the rage of the anger Bahar, it is reacting with these states.

There is a reaction in the social media to the exaggerated attitude of the Bahar character who favors her friends.

Particularly the attitude to Arif made the audience angry.

Viewers who are happy with the progress of the series also criticize exaggerated scenes ….