Artists News Erkan Kolçak Köstendil showed that he would be a good father!

Erkan Kolçak Köstendil showed that he would be a good father!


The actor Erkan Kolçak Köstendil, who plays the character of Vartolu Sadettin in the Pit series, is eagerly waiting to be a father. Cansu Tosun is almost counting days for the birth of pregnant and couple babies.

Erkan Kolçak Köstendil spends time with his close friends Bülent Şakrak and Ceyda Düvenci couple during these days when the sets were stopped due to the coronavirus epidemic. Erkan Kolçak Köstendil, who showed his love for the couple’s sons Ali with his sharing on his Instagram account, received great admiration.

The actor, who posted the photo with the note “My Ali … My Heart”, also tells how much the paternity would suit him.

Erkan Kolçak Köstendil – Cansu Tosun couple is experiencing the excitement of embracing their babies soon. Cansu Tosun is in the 8th month of her pregnancy.