Artists News Hippie image of İlker Kaleli in the BBC series makes his fans surprised

Hippie image of İlker Kaleli in the BBC series makes his fans surprised

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The return of İlker Kaleli to the screen after For My Son, who attracted attention in the latest Teacher series and attracted great attention with Akif teacher character in the production, which lasted for 9 episodes, was greeted very positively by his fans. The series was short but the effect was great. Kaleli was applauded for his performance.

It is known that the famous actor also appeared in the BBC production The Serpent. The first images of the actor who gave life to a hippie character also appeared in the series and amazed everyone. In the comments made on social media, his fans wrote comments stating that they could not recognize the famous actor.

İlker Kaleli, who has been on the agenda in recent months with his good English, surprised everyone with his character in the BBC series. The actor’s performance is also wondered by his followers.

The successful actor, whose scenes in the series depicting the life of the serial killer Charles Sobhraj, who marked the 1970s, appeared in front of the camera with the hippie image of those years.

Kaleli attracted attention with her rosary necklace, mustache and long hair in the scene where she danced with Jenna Coleman, who plays Sobhraj’s lover. Successful actors Walled, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAM) is known as the only players from the four-year course studying Turkey.