Series News Big changing in Bitter Lands

Big changing in Bitter Lands

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The series Bitter Lands, which was watched with interest on Thursday evenings, proved once again how powerful and effective it is. The ATV series, which was not even affected by the arrival of TRT1’s new series Once Upon a Time in Cyprus (Bir Zamanlar Kıbrıs’ta), managed to get its viewers to the screen again.

The series, which is at the top of Thursday evenings in all categories, is expected not to be much affected by Kanal D’s Chrysalis series, which will be broadcast on the evening of April 8 … While Thursday’s competition is getting scorching, ATV’s third season continues to survive with the power of its story.

After the breakups of Vahide Perçin, Uğur Güneş and Esra Dermancıoğlu, now Melike İpek Yalova, who gave life to the character of Müjgan, will bid farewell to the series. With this separation, which is expected towards the end of the 3rd season, there will be blood loss in the series again. However, it is known that even if there are those who leave the Bitter Lands series, the story will always survive.

It is known that the story will attract more attention with the new names who have joined the series, and that the series will pursue great success on the screen in the 4th season. What happened in the last period of the series also shows the dizzying change in the story. The screenwriters are the owners of a hatstable success. Because it can create a story line that will make the audience curious and keep them on the screen. So what happened in the series lately? Here are the traces of dizzying change …

Demir, who regretted what he had done to Züleyha and repented, lost his hope after all those who left, first believed in love with Ümit, then when Züleyha’s love turned into reality, she was confronted with Ümit!

Ümit, whose name came to Çukurova before her by being appointed as a chief physician in place of Müjgan, was in charge of demolishing Demir in the revenge war that Fikret waged against the Yamanlar. But what actually brought her to Çukurova was the abandoned children’s heart!

Sevda, who found herself in Çukurova with the love of Adnan Yaman by giving up both the scenes of Istanbul and a child, a home, first fought with Hünkar, whom her love regarded as an obstacle, and later embraced her memory with Züleyha, whom she called her daughter, and Demir, whom she was her second mother. But behind her there was a broken heart of a little boy he had to leave.

Fekeli, who lost his wife and son while in prison, came out from there saying “I am a child” to Yılmaz. When he lost both him and Hünkar, Fikret was the only one entrusted to him from his brother years ago. Fikret devoted himself to a new war with the Yamans.

Because the child had wounds that his heart could not handle. The thing that brought him to Çukurova was the desire of saving the honor of little Fikret, who was kept in front of the door drenched in the rain with his old shoes, declaring that he was Demir Yaman’s half-brother, and his tearful mother.