Series News What did the change in the day of the series of Baş Belası bring, what did it take?

What did the change in the day of the series of Baş Belası bring, what did it take?

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The change of days after the first 7 episodes of the ATV series called Baş Belası surprised the audience. The 8th episode of the series, which brings together detective and comedy, was broadcast on Friday evening and the first results of the day change came.

The fact that the series, in which İrem Helvacıoğlu and Seçkin Özdemir take the leading roles, creates a good atmosphere, good acting performances and has a remarkable story is not enough for the audience to come to the screen. Low ratings continue.

Baş Belası series switched from Sunday to Friday, but this radical change did not create much change in the interest of the audience. If ATV had a goal of gaining new viewers and gaining more ratings for the series, it was already difficult to achieve.

Against the successful romantic comedy of the summer season such as Aşk Mantık İntikam, Baş Belası succeeded in bringing its audience to the new day. The low numbers continued in the rating rates last night. Although the rates are similar to Sunday evenings, the series is at the top in terms of ranking.

The ATV series, which finished the day in the fourth place in the EU, took the fifth place in ABC1 and finished the day in the sixth place in all people.

At the story point of the series, it was also interesting that it started to give strong messages about obsessive love and social issues. The series received many comments on social media with these messages.

The first images from the new episode of Baş Belası, which will be broadcast on Friday, August 13, have also been released. It should be noted that the series is not expected to continue on its way with similar rates and to make a serious debut on Friday evenings.