Artists News Sadakatsiz broke the rating record, but fell behind its opponent on social media!

Sadakatsiz broke the rating record, but fell behind its opponent on social media!

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Sadakatsiz, one of the most gripping series of the screens, came to the screen with the first episode of the second season last night. With the rating it has achieved, the series has, so to speak, added to the dust. However, Sadakatsiz fell behind its only rival on social media, Kanunsuz Topraklar.

Adba TV, which regularly broadcasts by measuring the shares of the series on social media, was announced on Wednesday, September 29, the result of the sharing between the series. According to the report prepared by Adba TV, the winner of Wednesday was the Fox TV series Kanunsuz Topraklar.

Kanunsuz Topraklar series, on which Fox TV has been working for a long time, finally came to the screen last night. Kanunsuz Topraklar series, starring Esra Bilgiç and Uğur Güneş, tells the story of the workers working in the coal mines in Zonguldak in the 1930s, who rebelled against the established order and the bosses.

The long-awaited series by Bilgiç and Güneş’s fans finally came to the screen with its first episode yesterday. The ratings of the series, the first episode of which was fourth in the category of all people, were above the average.

Kanunsuz Topraklar, on the other hand, had greater success on social media. The series, about which 16,226 shares were shared on social media, closed the day with the first place.

The only competitor of the new series last night, Sadakatsiz, broke the rating record. Kanal D series, which came first in all categories and achieved very good numbers, could not pass Kanunsuz Topraklar on social media. The number of posts about Sadakatsiz on social media during the day was 13,995.

Another TV series on Wednesday evenings will be Kuruluş Osman. The first episode of the series, which was broadcast on ATV, will be screened on October 6th. Let’s see how the Kuruluş Osman series will change the balance of Wednesday evening.