Series News As soon as they arrived in the Gönül Dağı series, they made a mess!

As soon as they arrived in the Gönül Dağı series, they made a mess!

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The new family of Gönül Dağı, which was broadcast on TRT1 screens on Saturday evenings, attracted great attention…

Mezarcı İlyas and his sons confused Gedelli… There will be important developments in the 38th new episode of the series. Details about what will happen have also emerged. The master of the art world, Halil İbrahim Kalaycıoğlu, plays Mezarcı İlyas in the series where Buse Orcan has a great performance with the Asya character. Burak Haktanır plays Hamdi, one of the sons of Mezarcı İlyas, Cemil Şahin as Behçet, and Ufkum Kalaoğlu as Şefik.

Gönül Dağı is also highly appreciated with its new characters in the new season. Among the most interesting new characters in the series are Mezarcı İlyas and his family. The young and beautiful daughter of the family Asya, Mezarcı İlyas, her sons Hamdi, Behçet and Şefik attract great attention with their stories that create events on Gönül Dağı .

In the episode we watched last week, Ramazan (Cihat Süvarioğlu) and Asya (Buse Orcan), who wanted to be married with the fait accompli decisions of Ağıtçı Hüseyin and Mezarcı İlyas, met by chance and the young girl who ran away from home told her about the persecution of her family.

Ramazan, who came to the potato festival in the town square and delivered Asya to his family and put a rest on them, confronted this troubled family.

Mezarcı İlyas and his family are confusing the town…

Mezarcı İlyas and his family, who are disliked by the residents of the town, will be the heroes of new events as the scourge of Ramazan and Kaya family. Hamdi, who left Sefer (Ferdi Sancar) unemployed by taking the tender for the minibus, and having fun with the falling of the elderly by making sudden brakes while using the minibus, “Gıdı Gıdı Behçet” and “Anakonda Şefik”, who garnered hatred with the torture they inflicted, will draw attention as the troublesome types of Gönül Dağı.

Ramazan and Mezarcı İlyas face to face…

In the new episode to be broadcast on Saturday, October 30th, Mezarcı İlyas and Ramazan will face each other. How will Ramazan, who repented of marriage after breaking up with Mezarcı İlyas and Asuman, who refused to marry his daughter and all had difficulty coping with their troubled sons, share his trump card? Here is the first trailer from the 38th episode:

Produced by Ferhat Eşsiz and directed by Yahya Samancı, the script of Gönül Dağı is written by Ali Asaf Elmas and Mustafa Becit. Berk Atan and Gülsim Ali İlhan share the leading roles in Gönül Dağı.

The other cast members of the series include the following names: Ecem Özkaya, Semih Ertürk, Cihat Süvarioğlu, Nazlı Pınar Kaya, Ferdi Sancar, Ali Dusenkalkar, Erdal Cindoruk, Gülhan Tekin, Feyza Işık, Ege Aydan, Eser Eyüboğlu, Şebnem Dilligil, Yavuz Sepetçi, Nuri Gökaşan, Hazal Çağlar, Serkan Kuru, Hüseyin Zengin, Çiğdem Aygün, Ulviye Karaca and Zümre Meğreli Burak Haktanır, Buse Orcan, Halil İbrahim Kalaycıoğlu, Cemil Şahin and Ufkum Kalaoğlu.