Artists News Yargı lost the first place in the social rating to Teşkilat again! The replay of Kaderimin Oyunu did well!

Yargı lost the first place in the social rating to Teşkilat again! The replay of Kaderimin Oyunu did well!

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On Sunday evenings, the audience has been witnessing a great struggle for weeks. Teşkilat, which is broadcast on Kanal D series Yargı and TRT 1, is experiencing a great war both in the ratings and in the social media. Yargı, which took the first place in social media from Teşkilat last week, could not protect its throne much. Kanal D series lost the social rating first to Teşkilat again.

Adba TV, which regularly broadcasts by measuring the shares of the series on social media, was announced on Sunday, December 5th. According to the report prepared by Adba TV, the winner of the Sunday was TRT 1 series Teşkilat.

Teşkilat has never lost the first place in the ratings, but its rival continues to feel the breath of Yargı on its neck. In the social rating, the first place changes hands. Yargı, which took the first place from Teşkilat last week, missed this title this week. Teşkilat took the first place with 85,800 posts about it on social media yesterday.

Yargı came second in the ranking. 60 thousand 800 shares were shared yesterday about the series in which Pınar Deniz and Kaan Urgancıoğlu shared the leading roles.

The repetition of Kaderimin Oyunu, on the other hand, had great success on social media. The series, which received a below-average rating in its first broadcast, received a bad rating with its repetition. 6 thousand 900 shares about the replay of the series carried Kaderimin Oyunu to the third place in the social rating.

The fourth in the ranking is preparing to say goodbye to the screens this week. The series, which will make its finale with its sixth episode to be broadcast on Sunday, December 12, ranked fourth in the social rating. There were 2,600 shares on social media about the series.

The second episode repeat of the ATV series Destan, which hit the audience like a storm two weeks ago, was the last on the list. The number of shares on social media about the series starring Ebru Şahin has reached 2,100.