Artists News Two sides of the screens; Mehmet Günsür and Timuçin Esen shared a photo after a long time, social media was destroyed!

Two sides of the screens; Mehmet Günsür and Timuçin Esen shared a photo after a long time, social media was destroyed!

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Timuçin Esen and Mehmet Günsür, the two young men of the screen and the silver screen, took the leading roles in the movie “Martıların Efendisi” directed by Mehmet Ada Öztekin, which was released in 2017.

Timuçin Esen created wonders with the character of “Ateş Hekimoğlu”, which he portrayed in the last TV series Hekimoğlu broadcast on Kanal D. Although Timuçin Esen’s name is mentioned for a few projects after the series that made the final last season, the actor remains silent.

The last post of Timuçin Esen, who does not use social media very actively, on his Instagram account excited his fans.

The actor, who shared his latest video in September, posed for photographer Cihan Öncü’s lens. Fans of actor to the photo; He made many comments as “Welcome, master of my heart”.

After Timuçin Esen, his friend Mehmet Günsür, who is not very active on social media like him, also shared a post, which made the fans of the duo double happy.

The handsome actor, who shared a photo of his character in the movie Martıların Efendisi, on his Instagram account, recently shared the lead role with Beren Saat in the Atiye series published on Netflix.

Mehmet Günsur’s sharing on his Instagram account after months made his friends and fans happy. The actor’s post received thousands of likes and comments in a short time.

From the comments made under the photos, it is understood that their fans miss both actors very much and want to see them in a project as soon as possible.