Artists News Serkan Kuru and Zümre Meğreli became a very beautiful TV series couple, a new love is born in the story of Gönül Dağı!

Serkan Kuru and Zümre Meğreli became a very beautiful TV series couple, a new love is born in the story of Gönül Dağı!

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Young actress Zümre Meğreli became a prominent actress with the Gönül Dağı project in which she portrayed the character of Elif.

Gönül Dağı, which is the second most successful TV series of this season, used the opportunity of the series, and the actress managed to stand out in the story, even though he had few scenes. Zümre Meğreli, who was a partner with Utku Ateş last season, is now partnering with Serkan Kuru.

Serkan Kuru joined the story with the character of Doctor Kenan. Zümre Meğreli was first abandoned by her father, then left alone by her love Serdar… Then, after years, Elif returned to her father and gave one of her kidneys to her father to live, she was abandoned for the second time.

It is very curious what will happen to Elif, the sad character of Gönül Dağı series, how her rebellion will end and how her position in the story will take place. Elif’s experience is not only a heartache, but also problems such as staying up and trusting after betrayal…

The one who appears to be the biggest light in front of Elif, who has to pay this huge price, is none other than Doctor Kenan. While waiting for Elif’s response to Kenan’s effort to get closer, Zümre Meğreli and Serkan Kuru are on their way to becoming a very good TV series couple.

Zümre Meğreli explained what Kenan had to do to win Elif’s heart with these words:

“Elif never smiled in her affairs of the heart. She always had a heartbreak left in her hand. Elif’s hidden power was also evident in that process. She held on to the words of her grandmother who raised her: ‘There is always a way to go, as long as you don’t stop walking.’

Maybe the hardest thing will be to believe and trust again this time, but who knows, if Kenan is patient enough, if he wins both her heart and trust, this time she will not be alone on the path she walks.

If the screenwriters of the series bring Kenan and Elif together, the fans of the series will be very happy. The viewers, who want Elif to overcome her bad fate, want her luck to be with Kenan this time.