Series News The ratings of Kardeşlerim series are falling! According to the audience, the reason is very obvious!

The ratings of Kardeşlerim series are falling! According to the audience, the reason is very obvious!


ATV’s successful TV series, Kardeşlerim (My Brothers), which is about to complete its second season, is declining in ratings. Although the series continues to be in the second place in all viewers, its scores are close to the average. The audience says that the reason for this situation is very clear.

Kardeşlerim TV series, which aired on ATV on Saturday evenings, is nearing the end of its second season. Kardeşlerim, who did not give up the first place in the ratings in the first season, and lost their throne to the TRT 1 series Gönül Dağı in the second season, solidified their place in the second place. However, the ratings continue to decline.

The ratings of the TV series Kardeşlerim came close to the average on Saturday, May 21, when the 53rd episode was broadcast. The series took the second place with the score in the 6 band in all viewers. In AB and ABC1, it was also below average and ranked third. This draws the attention of the audience.

Viewers express their reactions on social media. The audience, who say that it is normal for Kardeşlerim to drop in rating points, state that the source of the problem is that the Asiye and Doruk scenes are not written enough.

According to the audience, too much weight was given to the side characters in Kardeşlerim and the scenes of Asiye and Doruk were reduced. The audience stated that the Asiye and Doruk scenes should be more in order for the ratings to increase.

Meanwhile, Kardeşlerim audience was shaken this week by the departure of Gözde Türker, who plays one of the important characters of the series, Harika. While no explanation was made about the reason for the actress’s departure from the series, the audience was very upset by Türker’s departure.