Artists News Yasemin Kay Allen shared an unknown detail about her name!

Yasemin Kay Allen shared an unknown detail about her name!


Yasemin Kay Allen and Murat Cemcir, who shared the stage with the theater play “The Last of the Great Lovers”, were the guests of Ceyda Düvenci in Bam Başka Sohbetler, broadcast on NTV.

Actress Yasemin Kay Allen gave details about her name for the first time and explained that “Kay” is not her surname, as is thought, but her “middle name”.

The actress said that he gave this middle name so that her mother’s name would sound more phonetic when read. Yasemin Kay Allen said, “Kay (key) is my middle name, given by her mother Suna Yıldızoğlu.” Frankly, it was put there because it sounds better phonetically, it doesn’t make any sense. Rather than Yasemin Allen, my mother said Yasemin Kay Allen. “This is the story he told me,” she explained.

Murat Cemcir’s humorous comment on the situation is, “A person’s middle name is Kay!” It was like.

Yasemin Kay Allen said to Ceyda Düvenci, “I’m used to your mother being more beautiful than you.” “My mother is still more beautiful than me,” she said, drawing attention.