Artists News HandeErçel’s scoffing campaign

HandeErçel’s scoffing campaign


Actress received a lot of negative reviews due to his play in the ‘Black Pirl’ series.

Never heard criticism about love life …

HandeErçel is one of the most talked-about young actress of the last period …

In a short period of fame …

But we observe that the criticisms made about her also sometimes exaggerate.

One of those exaggerated claims was that the actress did not succeed at the London Film Academy’s election, which she had entered three times …

From she, the news came out.

The good actress explained that she did not make any appeal to the London Film Academy by sharing from social media.

HandeErçel’s description is as follows:

“For about 5 years I have been trying to improve myself about my profession. I also participate in many workshops and trainings to invest my self and my profession. As long as I do my job, I will continue to train all the time. I did not find the applicant on the application. So I was not rejected. I have not had a gram of pity for my years of profession; I will continue to learn and work proudly. ”