Artists News Obsession of Tolgahan Sayisman, whom Almeda Abazi does not like!

Obsession of Tolgahan Sayisman, whom Almeda Abazi does not like!

Series Turkish

Famous actor Tolgahan Sayisman was on the screen this season with the Champion series. The character Fırat Bölükbaşı, played by the actor, is a boxer. The series interrupted the shooting due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is on the agenda that the final part of the Champion series is shot and finished.

Almeda Abazi, the wife of Tolgahan Sayisman, was very uncomfortable with the fight scenes in the series. Abazi rebelled for a period when her husband came home with physical injuries. A new appeal came from Almeda Abazi.

Almeda Abazi, who gave birth to her sons Efehan in May 2019, is uncomfortable with her husband’s constant play during the quarantine period.

Complaining Tolgahan Sayisman, who has been in the house for 2 months, Almeda Abazi said, “Tolgahan has been playing the console all day, I have not looked at it, I gave up and separated the floors.”