Artists News Leave Ender in Forbidden Fruit and look at Şevval Sam’s happiness!

Leave Ender in Forbidden Fruit and look at Şevval Sam’s happiness!

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Şevval Sam, who is one of the beloved names of the scenes with her beautiful voice, is also making a strong impression in Fox TV’s Forbidden Fruit series with her acting. While the actor brings to life a very absurd personality on the screen with her character Ender, she is an extremely natural and sincere person in her real life.

Stating that she is a ‘defender of the right to life’ at every opportunity, the actress is extremely sensitive to nature, animals, and shows her sensitivity to issues such as violence against women, animals and children, children with SMA or children who need help.

Those who follow her posts on social media are also aware of what kind of happiness she has recently experienced. The actress had been waiting for her caravan to be renewed for a long time. The vehicle she bought as a white minibus is now a green and colorfully decorated caravan.

Şevval Sam finally got his trailer, which she had been waiting for a long time. Şevval Sam, who gave the name ‘princess’ to her caravan, which she shared with her followers in almost every stage, took the opportunity to take the brushes, paints and paint her caravan, taking the opportunity today to be Sunday and holiday.

How happy Şevval Sam is is also seen in the posts he published. The actress struggled all day with her caravan, which she painted with colorful patterns. She also shared her poses with her followers.

While Şevval Sam’s posts received many likes, Eda Ece, with whom she played together in the Forbidden Fruit and with whom she was also good friend, was among those who liked it.

Şevval Sam shares the interior design of her caravan with some photos with her followers.


Although it is small, everything is thought with an extremely useful design.

The actress, who says that she likes to have a caravan holiday in the summer, is already excited for a long and enjoyable holiday with the Princess this summer …

The actress, who shared the joy of a follower and shared the post “Can we travel to space with the princess, Shevie”, shows the photos showing how her caravan has been transformed.


Here is the inside of Şevval Sam’s caravan:


The caravan, which was white when Şevval Sam first bought it, was first painted in green. The interior design was just being done yet. The actress also shared the process shot last year below.


With a section added to the caravan, a section that opens up was also made.
