Artists News Pelin Akıl, who is afraid of getting pneumonia, caught the corona!

Pelin Akıl, who is afraid of getting pneumonia, caught the corona!


Pelin Akil, who acted the character of Isabel in the TV series Barbaroslar: Akdeniz’in Kılıcı, which TRT 1 brought to the screen with great claims and spent high budgets at the beginning of this season, became corona.

Famous actress Pelin Akil followed the trend of black jumping in a swimsuit on social media. The actress, who wore a swimsuit and went out to her garden, left herself on the snow. Pelin Akil said those moments, “What I wanted to do for a long time… Challenge or pneumonia?” She shared it on Instagram with her note.

At first, Pelin Akil, who thought she had pneumonia for the sake of “Challange”, made rapid tests sold in pharmacies. When the test is negative; “Pneumonia won. Even though I don’t have pneumonia, it’s still pharyngitis…” The actress, who went to the hospital and had a PCR test when her condition worsened, announced that she caught the coronavirus after the result was positive.

The fear of Pelin Akil, who has twin daughters, was of course her daughters. In her post from the hospital, she said, “I was eliminated a while ago, friends. My rapid test is negative, my PCR test is positive. I hope nothing happens to my daughters.” said.

Upon this news, messages of “get well soon” and wishes for a speedy recovery poured in to Pelin Akil, one of her followers.

The successful actress, who has made a name for herself with her success in the TV series and advertisement projects she has acted in, is currently playing the character of Isabel in the TV series Barbaroslar: Akdeniz’in Kılıcı.

The actress, who is married to her actress colleague Anıl Altan, is frequently mentioned by the shares she made on her social media account. The actress often shares fun moments with her twin daughters and her wife.