Series News There is great interest in the Darmaduman series, there are many who like it, but one shortcoming immediately drew attention!

There is great interest in the Darmaduman series, there are many who like it, but one shortcoming immediately drew attention!


You will now watch the new episodes of the Darmaduman series on Thursday evenings on Fox TV. After the convict series did not get good results in the second season, Darmaduman now participated in the rating competition on behalf of Fox TV on Thursday evenings. After the first episode, we observe that the series was approved by a large audience on social media.

Bringing together four remarkable young actors of the last period, such as Hafsanur Sancaktutan, Mert Yazıcıoğlu, Aslıhan Malbora and Aytaç Şaşmaz, is not an easy task. All four young actors believed in the script and joined the series. Darmaduman, the domestic version of the American TV series Beverly Hills, received many positive comments on social media with its first episode.

Thousands of posts stating that they liked the series very much and that it instilled youth energy created a great interaction environment on social media. With many sharing that the scenes were very beautiful and the acting performances were appreciated, the Darmaduman series managed to attract the attention of a very large audience.

At the story point of the series, there was also a group of viewers who questioned what exactly was being told because it did not satisfy some viewers, since the first episode was broadcast. It is now up to the screenwriters to eliminate this confusion among the audience, who are confused about the story integrity of the Darmaduman series.

Since the series cannot cover everyone in terms of self-explanatory, it should be mentioned that this subject is incomplete for now. There are many viewers who comment, “I didn’t understand anything about what I watched,” and it seems imperative that these viewers be fed by the scriptwriters in terms of story integrity in a few weeks.

Fans of Hafsanur Sancaktutan and Aslıhan Malbora complimented the talent and beauty of the two young actors.

Mert Yazıcıoğlu and Aytaç Şaşmaz did a very successful job in creating characters, and the audience drew attention to this situation with their praise.