Artists News The Darmaduman series is going badly, but the success of Hafsanur Sancaktutan continues to increase!

The Darmaduman series is going badly, but the success of Hafsanur Sancaktutan continues to increase!


Famous actress Hafsanur Sancaktutan became one of the prominent young actresses of the last period. Hafsanur Sancaktutan, who starred in the Fox TV series called Darmaduman after the series titled Dünyayla Benim Aramda (Between the World and Me), aired on Disney Plus, is supported by a large fan base.

Dazzling with her beauty, the actress adds great value to the projects she takes part in with her talents. Hafsanur Sancaktutan had a very important break last year with the TV series Son Yaz (Last Summer). Drawing attention with the projects she took part in this year, the actress was able to win the admiration of millions.

Although the series Darmaduman, which she started after the project Dünyayla Benim Aramda, has not received good ratings yet, Hafsanur Sancaktutan works intensively on the set and shows that she has the leading role with her performance.

The young actress also attracted attention with the statement she made at an award ceremony she attended. Sancaktutan said, “I don’t want to be known as just a beautiful person. I want to be perceived as a beautiful and successful, hardworking girl. That’s why I’m doing my best,” she said.

Hafsanur Sancaktutan, who reveals her youthful energy at every opportunity and does not hesitate to take part in bold scenes in her projects, is a new name in her acting adventure, but she reveals that she is a sane person with her words.

Even though the ratings of the actress’s last drama, Darmaduman, are going bad, Sancaktutan’s influence and appreciation in the audience is increasing. Having the power to influence a large audience on social media, the actress quickly climbs the career ladder and succeeds in influencing a large audience.