Artists News Congratulation from Tolgahan Sayman to his sister!

Congratulation from Tolgahan Sayman to his sister!

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Famous actor Tolgahan Sayışman celebrated the happy day of his sister Nil Sayışman with his share on his Instagram account.

Tolgahan Sayışman, who played the leading role in the series titled Word Of Honor (Şeref Sözü) on the most recent Show TV screens, had the sadness of making the final in the 4th episode due to the low ratings of the series, although he performed well.

The actor, who rarely shares on social media, posted a photo with his sister Nil Sayışman on hisr Instagram account and wrote a congratulatory message.

Tolgahan Sayışman, who wished Nil Sayışman happiness by getting engaged and taking the first step towards marriage, wrote in his message:

“My precious, beautiful brother took the first step into marriage today. How quickly passed, how quickly you grew up and we gave you away. May Allah endure all, I hope you be happy for life. ”