Series News Even the hint of the person who left Masumlar Apartmanı created excitement!

Even the hint of the person who left Masumlar Apartmanı created excitement!

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The 30th episode of the Masumlar Apartmanı (The Innocents) series, broadcast on Tuesday evenings on TRT1 screens, will be on the evening of April 20. The excitement peaked with the release of the new episode trailer of the series! Because it seems that the identity of the person everyone is waiting for with great curiosity will be revealed!

The person who is chained to the Han’s boiler room is an event that excites the audience. In the new episode, it is seen that Esra did not leave the end of this business and took İnci and went to the boiler room.

In the trailer, it is not understood who the person with a chain on his feet is, but it is seen that a person is sitting. Whoever Esra and İnci will find there is a matter of curiosity. Heads are very confused about this. The audience focused on the possibility that the person chained was Esat or Naci.

However, in the new episode trailer of the series, Naci’s clarinet was brought to Safiye by Bayram and the possibility that this person was Naci became stronger.

Even the hint of Naci was enough to excite the audience! Naci’s visit to Ankara upset the audience. Viewers who wanted to watch the story of Naci and Safiye and thought that this love should not end like this, were a little disappointed.

The followers of the series, who commented that they wanted the story of the two to continue, still hope that Naci, who left Masumlar Apartmanı, will return one day!

In the last week’s episode, Han brought a book to the person he brought food to.

The audience thinks that Naci is being held there by following these clues. Let’s see if the predictions will hold. We will watch and see, but it can be seen from the comments they made that they are excitedly waiting for Naci to come for those who watch the series.

If Naci is not on the end of that chain, there will be some disappointment, obviously! Meanwhile, another development should be reminded.

It was on the agenda that Tansel Öngel, who plays Naci, had also made offers from other TV series and the actor had not yet agreed with Masumlar Apartmanı. Öngel’s final decision was eagerly awaited.

Finally, it was recently revealed that Tansel Öngel decided to continue the series of Masumlar Apartmanı. Therefore, this situation increases the possibility that the person on the end of the chain is Naci, but even if it is not, it is obvious that Naci will return somehow from the actor’s agreement with the producer of the series!

Here is the 30th episode trailer …