Series News After a magnificent series like Sadakatsiz, there is a series that makes Cansu Dere fans wonder!

After a magnificent series like Sadakatsiz, there is a series that makes Cansu Dere fans wonder!


Famous actress Cansu Dere left her mark on two seasons with the TV series “Sadakatsiz” (Unfaithful), which is known as one of the best projects of her career. Adapted from the BBC format Doctor Foster, the series Sadakatsiz has become a worldwide hit.

Both Cansu Dere and her partner Caner Cindoruk met with tremendous interest thanks to the TV series Sadakatsiz, which succeeded in influencing millions of viewers, especially in Spain and Latin America.

For Cansu Dere, who received various invitations in Spain and showed herself abroad, 2023 may be a time to talk a lot again. Because the second season of the award-winning series Şahsiyet (Personality) is starting soon.

There is no information about the new season yet. There is no information about who will take the lead role. However, Cansu Dere fans experienced great excitement when it was revealed that the second season of the Şahsiyet series would be shot.

With the character of Agâh Beyoğlu, for which Haluk Bilginer brought the Emmy award to our country by breaking a new ground, the TV series Şahsiyet became a production that was noticed in many parts of the world.

Preparations for the second season of the Şahsiyet series, which left its mark on a period, continue intensively. The works of Onur Saylak and Hakan Günday for the second season are eagerly awaited by the fans.

In the first season, important names such as Haluk Bilginer, Cansu Dere, Metin Akdülger, Şebnem Bozoklu and Hüseyin Avni Danyal took part in the series. Who will be in the second season is eagerly awaited.

Fans of the series, who want Nevra character played by Cansu Dere to be in the story in the new season, are waiting for future news.

Fans are also wondering what steps Cansu Dere will take in her career in the new year, which has gained great popularity in the last 2 years with her Sadakatsiz project and has made her name known to wider audiences abroad.

It is certain that Haluk Bilginer will take the lead role in the Şahsiyet series, but it is not clear who will be in the cast that will accompany him.